Fundraiser for NCADA
Event Fundraiser: 2017 GO! St. Louis Marathon & Family Fitness Weekend
NCADA works to reduce or prevent the harms of alcohol and other drug use through education, intervention and advocacy.
One of the NCADA’s major goals is to teach young people the skills needed to resist the pressures to use and abuse drugs and lead healthier lives. We offer proven, evidence- and best-practices-based curricula for every grade from K-12 in nearly 300 schools in the St. Louis region.
Additionally, we offer youth leadership programs and a wide range of non-school-based prevention services. In a normal year the NCADA offers prevention and education services to over 100,000 people.
For more information on joining Team NCADA, contact: Sarah Roberts
When you participate with Team NCADA, you will raise funds and help us work towards our vision of a community free from the harms of substance use. So, why not start training for a half or full marathon (or maybe something a little shorter) and support a great cause at the same time?
Members of Team NCADA will receive:
· A link for easy online registration with special code for discounted registration fee!
· Team NCADA swag!
· A personal webpage for convenient and online fundraising.
· Online fundraising tools to help you reach your personal goal.
For more information about joining Team NCADA, or the Go! St. Louis Marathon, please contact Sarah Roberts at (314) 962-3456 x372 or